Saturday, November 22, 2008


I have to have my gallbladder taken out and I'm a bit nervous. I've been sick since July and finally got it pin pointed to the gallbladder. Mom and dad are coming down to stay with us for a couple of days to help take care of me. It should be an easy procedure... but there are always risks. I should be home the day of provided nothing happens during surgery.
I haven't been working as much as I'd like. I miss teaching every day and really want my own classroom. I think at this point I'm leaning more towards a classroom than the gym, but still would like to have either of my own. If I got a real teaching job I could move out of here. Although I'm not sure gma or gpa really wants me too. I am running out of room to even hang up my clothes. That is a problem.
I don't have any money to buy Christmas presents so I have to think of things to make for people. I am thinking about drawing for them. I like to draw, but I don't know how many of my family would actually like it. I think my older sister would like it if I can do a farm or cows... lol.

1 comment:

Alecia said...

Talk about updating the blogs! November 22???? BETTY! Give us an update on life in OHIO! :)