Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kinda Excited...

Well it's been a uber long time... I had my gall bladder taken out and things were going ok. Then I started having the same issues again. So the dr gave me some meds, but they didn't always help. I decided to change my eatting habbits aka a diet and so far it's been working GREAT! I've lost about 30ish pounds and could rely use to lose about 30ish more. I don't eat grains, sugar or yeast and I no longer have any problems. It's Doug Kaufman's anti-fungus diet. From my sister and her husband are in the life phase and in very good health. Which I'm on my way to also!
I've been subbing, not as much as I want, but it's work. The golf course started again and I'm very excited to be back there for a bit. By a bit I mean that I'm moving this summer! i'm very excited to be heading to Indianapolis to live with my best friend from high school and teach inner city kids agian! I do miss the inner city! I'm hoping to get a job this summer but if not I'll end up subbing one more year. I'm conifident in my teaching ability that I feel either way will be benifical to me! I've got some new things for the house... a whole new bathroom set and bedding for my new bed I'll be getting! I'm ready for a new start to my life and it will be good for me! I'll miss gma and gpa dearly, but as gma says... I need to start living my life for me! Which is true and this is what I want to do for the time being! I'm not 100% sure when I'll move but going to start getting my things around very soon!
I've taken up golf as my new passion and am becoming very good at it! It's a good thing I work at the golf course and get to play for free! My best round so far is a 97 for 18 holes! I've been trying to play 2-3 times a week but working so much doens't allow that. Thursday will be my first day off in about 2 months and I'm totally excited to be getting a new TV!! I'm getting a new 19in tv/dvd combo for my bedroom! I kinda comletely broke my dvd player last night! It was on the fritz anyways and I got pissed for the last time about it!
I'm heading up to Grand Rapids on Sunday evening to get my things from my friends house since he is moving to Traverse City and I'm not sure when I'll get up there again with my own moving and everything. I have to come home early Wednesday morning to make it back to the course in time for work! Should be a fun trip I hope!
Well I'll try to update more often and let everyone know how the move went and the job search!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I have to have my gallbladder taken out and I'm a bit nervous. I've been sick since July and finally got it pin pointed to the gallbladder. Mom and dad are coming down to stay with us for a couple of days to help take care of me. It should be an easy procedure... but there are always risks. I should be home the day of provided nothing happens during surgery.
I haven't been working as much as I'd like. I miss teaching every day and really want my own classroom. I think at this point I'm leaning more towards a classroom than the gym, but still would like to have either of my own. If I got a real teaching job I could move out of here. Although I'm not sure gma or gpa really wants me too. I am running out of room to even hang up my clothes. That is a problem.
I don't have any money to buy Christmas presents so I have to think of things to make for people. I am thinking about drawing for them. I like to draw, but I don't know how many of my family would actually like it. I think my older sister would like it if I can do a farm or cows... lol.

Monday, September 15, 2008

my start

Here is my start of blogging. I'm living with my gma and gpa in outback Ohio while I'm subbing at schools.